Setting Intentions for a New Year
Here's to the end of 2017! I hope you had a wonderful year or least learned a little something if it wasn't ideal. As we welcome in another year, consider setting some intentions to guide those resolutions for 2018. Intentions give resolutions meaning - the reason WHY we may take action on something. They can drive our actions and goals. An intention serves as the overarching theme for what you're wanting to achieve.

Now consider this if you're wanting to make changes regarding your eating habits or physical activity, if what you ultimately want is weight loss, more muscle...etc. These are simply side effects. There are several reasons why you don't want to obsess over something as vague as "weight loss":
1. Physiology: Your weight does not define your health. The # on the scale does not take into account lean muscle mass.
2. Physical/Emotional Wellbeing: Focusing on weight may push you to try restrictive diets or quick fixes which can be detrimental to your physical and emotional health both
3. Sustainability: Diets & cleanses simply do not last & can even result in weight GAIN
4. Self Esteem: Weight loss is usually desired for physical appearances - having a little fat on your body does not mean you ARE fat and/or unhealthy. Maybe gaining strength, or nourishing yourself properly is needed without losing weight.
All of the issues above can be eliminated when you focus on changing behavior rather than weight. When you learn how to trust food + trust your body + embrace patience...everything else can fall into place. We can talk all day about your "ideal" weight but there's a variety of factors that can throw that way off, and what is that number really doing for you anyway?
The idea is to shift your focus from the results, to your behaviors, lifestyle, and even how you talk to yourself. Rather than dreaming of what you look like in a bikini, dream how it will feel to comfortably take the stairs without feeling winded, to ENJOY an activity with your friends or children, or to have energy at 2:00 on work day.
When we create a new years resolution such as "I want to lose XXX lbs by March" or "I'm going on the XXX diet" we can easily lose sight of WHY, when we begin to struggle. Having an intention however, can keep you on the right path and even help you decide if something isn't right for you.
This year - train yourself to refocus those goals on something that changes your lifestyle for the better. Something that makes life more interesting.

Creating your intention:
First, visualize in your mind what you want to feel or achieve this year
Your intention should be positive and motivating
Reassess your intention throughout the year. Think of what's working for you and what's not.
Your intention can be more vague while your goals can be more specific
Some example intentions:
I will feel strong and energized
I will nourish my body
I will move with intention
I will eat with intention
I will lead by example
I will feel alive in my body
I will be present in my body
I hope you come up with something that works for you. I wish you health and happiness in the year ahead!