Benefits of the Yoga Practice

The practice of yoga has helped many people overcome barriers whether emotional, physical, or mental. When we think of the physical practice, or asana, there’s no one ‘right’ or better method either. Practitioners of various methods of yoga have found benefit based on their needs and what they connected with.
From my perspective one explanation of why yoga, or yoga asana, can be so transformative for so many is that it helps us to become embodied.
As a whole, we are overly distracted and over stimulated. We are constantly connected, constantly “plugged in”, receiving loads of information and stimuli throughout our day. Our attention is constantly being pulled in different directions. Many of us even look for distractions as a way to unwind via Netflix, scrolling through Instagram, or our favorite podcast. These are all GREAT and we should enjoy them…but they shouldn’t be our only ways of unwinding or enjoying our time. With so much distraction, we become less and less connected with our body, more anxious, and never satisfied (cue Hamilton song here). Just ‘being’ becomes much harder when we’re constantly looking for something to occupy our minds.
I see so many people acknowledging this though and they are searching for ways to feel more connected. When we can just BE without constantly doing or thinking, so much can open up for us. Doing ANYTHING with the intention of being mindful can be a great way to cultivate mindfulness. In particular, though I of course like to focus on meditation, the breath, and yoga asana.
Yoga is inherently a mindful movement practice. It has all the ingredients necessary to pull your attention fully into the moment, and into your body. When we become truly embodied, that's when the magic happens! That's when you go to a class and after you leave you have this buzzing feeling. You know you feel GREAT, but can't even put your finger on why or how. I believe it all starts with the intense presence and awareness yoga provides. And that’s just the start, it's just the basic foundation of yoga. So beyond improving our focus and sense of presence, here’s my top 6 reasons why I LOVE YOGA:
The physical Benefits: The physical poses can help to alleviate physical tension, release stress/emotions are stored as well as strengthen, tone, and lengthen muscles.
A regular practice allows us to be aware of day-to-day changes, how our routines/habits impact us physically (when we're more stiff/achey, tired, slow, or feeling more open, strong, quick...)
Poses can actually evoke certain feelings/emotions/states of being (surrender, strength, gracefulness). Ever heard of power posing before a big meeting? Well yoga is like the original power posing :)
It’s an ever-evolving practice – the practice can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be, regardless, it always provides a path to continue going deeper – it never gets easier!
A regular practice can naturally can lead to your own led practice which allows for more expressive/joyful/creative movement. I think the more expressive outlets we have, the better for our mental and emotional well-being!
There you have it! My yoga practice has evolved so much over the years, and it will continue to. Have questions about the practice? Reach out!