7 Reasons why I do not provide meal plans
While meal plans are important for certain situations (think physical healing) most of those situations are outside of the main goal of improving relationship with food or learning to eat for overall wellness. When the time is right I’m all for discussing options for meals and meal/snack ideas but I do not provide an exact plan for clients to follow.
Here’s a few reasons why:
My role is to help you learn and feel empowered on your own - a meal plan isn't all that different than a diet.
Food is too personalized and changes day to day. It’s not realistic.
It’s not working on YOUR barriers specifically. Some people may benefit from a plan (very busy, don’t like cooking...). Most people need to work on other pieces of the puzzle first
Trying to adhere to a plan is too much change all at once
Learning from trial and error and experience is much more valuable
You may think: but couldn’t a meal plan be a starting point? Sure that may work for a period of time, but again it’s basically a diet. It only helps for a short period of time before life happens and old routines come back. Do the work to build a steady foundation.
I encourage planning ahead and having meal ideas for the week, and creating balanced meals. I also encourage listening to your body in the moment for when and how much to eat.
It's worth the time to learn what hang-ups and barriers exist for you. Is it your schedule, lifestyle, relationship to food and eating, nutrition knowledge, access to food, food preferences, cooking skills...? What needs to be worked on to improve YOUR eating habits? It's different for everyone which means your goals should be different. It's a step-by-step process to change habits and build new routines. Embrace the goal of fully knowing how to make a good choice for yourself rather than following 'rules' or a 'plan'
Thanks for reading! Reach out if you have more questions on this or any other topic!